Monday, March 22, 2010

Maha Nakhon Building (Bangkok)

MahaNakhon—a visionary new 77-storey high-rise complex located on a 3.6 acre site in the heart of Bangkok’s Central Business District with a direct link to the Chongnonsi BTS Skytrain station between Silom and Sathorn Roads.
With its distinctive sculptural appearance, MahaNakhon has been carefully carved to introduce a three-dimensional ribbon of architectural ‘pixels’ that circle the tower’s full height, as if excavating portions of the elegant glass curtain wall to reveal the inner life of the building—meta-phorically and actually—an archit-ecture that encloses and protects its inhabitants while revealing the inner life of their city. The pixelation gives MahaNakhon an arresting profile on the skyline while generating a set of very special features to house the diverse functions of the building complex in an intelligently strategic way.
The design for MahaNakhon dis-mantles the typical tower and podium typology to render not a tower in isolation but instead a skyscraper that melds with the city by gradually ‘dissolving’ the mass as it moves vertically between ground and sky. This effect begins with a series of generous, cascading indoor/outdoor terraces at The Hill—the area at the tower’s base housing luxury retail and dining.
MahaNakhon also features an adjacent freestanding building known as the Cube, with multi-level indoor
/outdoor terraces corresponding to those of the Hill Terraces across the expanse of an outdoor atrium, offering a network of social spaces with an extensive mix of dining and leisure, described collectively as MahaNakhon Terrace

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